Sky Arrow Type Certification EASA CS-LSA

Easa Type Certification  is a valuable milestone for Magnaghi: the New Sky Arrow is certified against EASA CS-LSA  Airworthiness Requirements and Specifications.

Following continuous improvement and technical enhancements, EASA Type Certificate confirms Sky Arrow Light Sport as a reliable Aircraft with robust design features.

Excellent flight controllability, friendly performance at low speed, ideal for Flight Schools!

Let’s go higher with New Sky Arrow EASA CS-LSA!

The Sky Arrow Type Certification EASA CS-LSA

FlyEurope.TV presents the new SkyArrow LSA 2019



SkyArrow and the great history of Magnaghi Aeronautica MA Group



The new SkyArrow LSA 2019 – Watch the video



SkyArrow at AERO 2019


SkyArrow EASA LSA is approaching…
